Fr Bob Stepping Down

Statement from the Father Bob Maguire Foundation

The Board of the Father Bob Maguire Foundation wishes to advise that Fr Bob Maguire has stepped down from his role as Chairman and being a member of the Board.  Fr Bob will continue to be our inspiration and we expect that he will have on-going input into our programs and services to ensure that nobody will need to be left behind.

The Foundation will be continuing the work commenced by Fr Bob and in a way consistent with his lifelong commitment to the underprivileged, especially the unloved and the unlovely.  We are developing plans regarding our current activities and the expansion of those projects and activities which Fr Bob has championed over so many years.  This will be subject to on-going fund raising and current funding requests being successful.

As part of the restructuring, the existing administrative staff of the Foundation have been made redundant effective immediately.  We will also need to move from the current premises.  These two steps will provide significant savings for the Foundation and enable most of our resources to be spent on the people who need the help.

Fr Bob’s commitment to the “outsiders” as he calls them has been inspirational over many decades.  As well as the work he has done personally over all these years he has encouraged and supported many other individuals and organisations to take up similar roles.

His focus on those most disadvantaged and alienated in our society will be continued by the Foundation.  He has been and will continue to be our inspiration

The Board of the Father Bob Maguire Foundation


An Update


News on Fr Bob